Watch Episodes 284-290 - Enies Lobby Arc (Continuation, Straw Hats vs.Skip Filler Episodes 279-283 - These are just recaps of the Straw Hats' backstories.Episodes 227-263 - Water 7 / Going Merry.Watch Episodes 227-278 - Water 7 / Robin's Arc - It includes the following arcs:.Only the last minutes from around 19:35 are relevant, where they meet a new character.The first part of the episode is the end of the filler arc.Watch Filler Episodes 226 from 19:35 to the end.Skip Filler Episodes 220-225 - Ocean's Dream & Foxy's Return.At this point, One Piece becomes HD and increases its visual quality.As of Episode 910, this arc has not had any relevance to the main story.It shows how pirates can deal among themselves through bets, sports & games, in order to avoid fighting and take members from another crew to increase their ranks. The whole arc is just comedic relief created by the author himself.Although this is canon, personally I didn't enjoy it too much, so I recommend you try the first 2 Episodes (207-208) and see if you like the comedy or not.Optional Canon Episodes 207-219 - Long Ring Long Land Arc / Davy Back Fight Arc / Foxy Arc.It is fun and provides a good transition of the story into the next arc. Personally, I liked this filler arc, so I recommend watching it or at least giving it a try.Optional Filler Episodes 196-206 - G-8 Arc:.Episodes 144-152 - Jaya / Mock Town / Bellamy's Arc.Watch Episodes 144-195 - Sky Island - It includes the following arcs:.Skip Filler Episodes 131-143 - These 3 fillers arcs are really low quality.It is just amazing that future arcs will be equal or even better than what you have experienced here. By now you should be realizing why O ne Piece it's a masterpiece. Some of the best and most memorable moments of One Piece happens during this part.Watch Episodes 103-130 - Alabasta (Vivi's Arc) (Continuation).It also introduces a major inconsistency with the plot, if you watch it just ignore the Poneglyph, it has no relevance to the story since it's just filler.This episode shows the state of mind Vivi is in but slows down the pace a little.Optional Filler Episode 102 - I recommend skipping.It feels out of place considering the situation they are in. This is a comedic episode of average quality with a family theme.Optional Filler Episode 101 - I recommend skipping.Watch Episodes 100 - Vivi & Koza's Flashback.These episodes actually add to the story by showing how the people of Alabasta live and are dealing with the current conditions.Episodes 62-63 - Reverse Mountain / Laboon Arc.Watch Episodes 62-97 - Grand Line - Includes the following arcs:.This is also why this story is never mentioned again. If you watch this arc, you'll have to remember in the future that any reference to dragons doesn't apply to this arc, as this is just filler material.The beginning shows important information about how the seas are connected & how the 'Calm Belts' work, so you may want to watch at least up to that point, although eventually the information will be repeated.This is the first filler arc, it's not bad, I personally like it.Optional Filler Episodes 54-61 - Warship Island / Apis Arc.Watch Episodes 52-53 - Loguetown (Continuation).It also reinforces Sanji's dream and reason to go on the trip, but it's not essential to the main plot. It shows how Usopp acquire one of his distinctive gadgets and also helps to develop his character, but It's not essential to the main plot. This episode is ok, but mostly comedic relief.Watch Episodes 48-49 - Loguetown (Continuation).You won't miss anything important if you skip it, although you may want to try the beginning to see if you like it or not. This is canon, but it's just a comedic side-story.Optional Episodes 46-47 - Buggy's Crew Adventure Chronicles.It will keep getting better and better from this point on. You'll have to watch at least to the end of this arc in order to appropriately judge One Piece and to decide if you want to keep watching it or not. Episodes 31-44 - Arlong Park / Nami's Arc - This is the Arc where One Piece really starts to come into its own.Episodes 19-30 - Baratie Restaurant / Don Krieg Arc.Episodes 9-18 - Syrup Village / Captain Kuro Arc.Episodes 4-8 - Orange Town / Buggy the Clown Arc.Episodes 1-3 - Romance Dawn / Captain Morgan Arc.It is a slow start but they are important for the story, so I don't recommend skipping. Watch Episodes 1-45 - East Blue Saga - These Arcs introduce you to One Piece's world & main protagonists.Scroll down below the guide for an in-depth explanation of Why is One Piece worth watching?